The Power of Intimacy

A blog about the healing power of intimacy and love by Nicola Foster

The Vagus Nerve - the nerve you need to know about

If there’s one nerve in your body that you need to know about, it’s the vagus nerve. It regulates some of the most critical systems in your body, and also controls your response to danger and safety, triggering your fight and flight response and calming you down as needed.

But it may...

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Understanding your libido: Learn about your 'brakes and accelerators' and shift your love life up a gear

desire intimacy libido Nov 03, 2021

Brakes and accelerators aren’t words that you’d typically hear in everyday conversations about arousal. But if you’re looking to figure out your libido, learning about what turns you on and off is crucial. How you respond to sex isn’t just down to your hormones or mood -...

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