The Power of Intimacy

A blog about the healing power of intimacy and love by Nicola Foster

Why I love using Polarity Mapping (or Both/And) for resolving conflicts

Conflicts are natural in any relationship, but they don't have to lead to frustration or resentment. That's where the power of polarity mapping comes in -  I love using polarity mapping to help my clients build better, healthier relationships. It helps lead to a more balanced and open...

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WANT TO ARGUE LESS? Using Co-Regulation for Couples


How to hack the nervous system to prevent arguments escalating. When couples argue with each other, they often get into a downward spiral. So by learning how to positively co-regulate with each other we don't waste time getting lost in an argument.


So what are 4 tips...

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Is division of housework fair in your relationship? Intro to the Fair Play Game!

Housework and the Fair Play game

Are you playing fair in your relationship? How about with the housework and family life? Fair play isn’t always a phrase that springs to mind when it comes to running a home and looking after the children. Because when it comes to housework, organising the...

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Are you stuck in a rut? Or, are you supporting each other's dreams?

It's easy to lose touch with the dreams, hopes and desires we had when we were first starting out in adult life.

Then as we get older we often want to create more meaning or achieve something bigger or leave a legacy of some kind.

If you're in a long term relationship supporting each...
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Feeling green-eyed? 7 Top tips to help you Handle Jealousy

Jealousy is destructive. It can lead to arguments, insecurity, frustration and ultimately, deliver the end result you are hoping to avoid - the end of your relationship.

To avoid it all becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy, it will help to invest in learning how to handle jealousy effectively....

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10 Tips on How to Have Healthier Arguments

No matter how well you get on, there are going to be times when differences create conflict. If you're relating with honesty and authenticity, it's healthy to feel upset, angry, frustrated and generally let down sometimes. So, it's really important to learn how to have healthier arguments.


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5 tips on how to have a difficult conversation - with awareness


Do you need to talk to your partner about an issue - but you're avoiding the difficult conversation? Here are 5 ideas on how to reduce the risk of things escalating into an argument. I'm Nicola Foster. I'm a couples therapist and these are my top tips for an aware, kind, difficult...
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