The Power of Intimacy

A blog about the healing power of intimacy and love by Nicola Foster

How to be more like lovers than housemates.

Hello, I'm Nicola Foster, a couples and sex therapist. In this article, I'm offering three practical suggestions to support couples who have noticed they feel like housemates and have lost connection with each other as lovers.

Most of us are juggling many roles.

You might be a parent, a carer for...

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Do You REALLY Know How to Touch Your Partner?

Have you gotten out of the habit of touching your partner like you used to?

Hi, I'm Nicola Foster, I'm a Sex and Relationship Therapist and I work with couples who want to reignite intimacy in their lives. In this article I share some of my recommendations on how couples can use touch to...

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WANT TO ARGUE LESS? Using Co-Regulation for Couples


How to hack the nervous system to prevent arguments escalating. When couples argue with each other, they often get into a downward spiral. So by learning how to positively co-regulate with each other we don't waste time getting lost in an argument.


So what are 4 tips...

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The 5 As of a Loving Relationship

Ask anyone to describe a loving relationship, and the answers you get will vary enormously. But some things pop up again and again.

For David Richo  in his bookHow to be an Adult in Relationships’, there are five key elements that all healthy relationships need - attention, ...

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The Developmental Model and Couples Relationships: From Dead and Boring to Expansive and Alive

There is always a tension in the relationship between enjoying freedom and creating safety. Most of us want enough space to grow and change and at the same time to keep our partner close and offer them kindness and security. How to balance the two - that's the art. I have been studying the...
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The Journey to Secure Attachment

I've frequently had clients worry that they are too needy. And when I ask them to tell me more - they need reliability, connection, responsiveness.
These are healthy needs. It's not wrong to want to feel trust in another person - it's a healthy human survival strategy.
The need to...
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Slow Sex

There are so many different types of sex, quickies, solo pleasuring, power and dominance and making love. The one I love most to talk about, especially with couples in midlife - is slow sex.  Going slow means not just focusing on an end goal but on bringing greater consciousness, awareness...

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Is division of housework fair in your relationship? Intro to the Fair Play Game!

Housework and the Fair Play game

Are you playing fair in your relationship? How about with the housework and family life? Fair play isn’t always a phrase that springs to mind when it comes to running a home and looking after the children. Because when it comes to housework, organising the...

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Clean Anger: How to Express Anger and Stay Connected

Everyday we experience a continual flow of emotional responses, and anger is one of them.  This blog is about how to manager anger in relationships so it can help you grow together as opposed to further apart,  and have healthier, happier relating. 

Anger is a normal and...

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Are you stuck in a rut? Or, are you supporting each other's dreams?

It's easy to lose touch with the dreams, hopes and desires we had when we were first starting out in adult life.

Then as we get older we often want to create more meaning or achieve something bigger or leave a legacy of some kind.

If you're in a long term relationship supporting each...
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