The Power of Intimacy

A blog about the healing power of intimacy and love by Nicola Foster

How to be more like lovers than housemates.

Hello, I'm Nicola Foster, a couples and sex therapist. In this article, I'm offering three practical suggestions to support couples who have noticed they feel like housemates and have lost connection with each other as lovers.

Most of us are juggling many roles.

You might be a parent, a carer for...

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Do You REALLY Know How to Touch Your Partner?

Have you gotten out of the habit of touching your partner like you used to?

Hi, I'm Nicola Foster, I'm a Sex and Relationship Therapist and I work with couples who want to reignite intimacy in their lives. In this article I share some of my recommendations on how couples can use touch to...

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Unlocking the Secrets of Love with Sternberg's Triangular Theory

We talk all the time about love. But what is love when it comes to romantic relationships?  Enter Robert Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love. I love using this powerful model to explore how 3 key components intertwine for a fulfilling love connection.

The Triangular Theory of Love


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How to ask for what you want in bed - introducing the Bossy Massage

How are you at asking for what you want in bed?

If you want a satisfying sex life, it’s so important to be able to be able to say what you DO and DON’T want. And it’s equally vital that you and your partner can listen to each other’s needs and give and ask for feedback.


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What drives desire? What are the cornerstones of an erotic life? - An introduction to Jack Morin's Erotic Mind

Jack Morin and The Erotic Mind

What drives sexual desire? What turns us on? And what happens after we get our happy ever after?

These are all topics sex therapist Dr Jack Morin explores in his book ‘The Erotic Mind’. For many couples, sexual desire simmers down when they become...

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The Wheel of Consent - why I love working with it (it's about much, much, more than consent)

The Wheel of Consent

The Wheel of Consent is a practice of taking and receiving, giving and allowing. The Wheel is a model from sexologist and intimacy coach Betty Martin. I think I first came across it at a festival several years ago and I have been recommending it my work ever since. The reason...

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The 5 As of a Loving Relationship

Ask anyone to describe a loving relationship, and the answers you get will vary enormously. But some things pop up again and again.

For David Richo  in his bookHow to be an Adult in Relationships’, there are five key elements that all healthy relationships need - attention, ...

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Slow Sex

There are so many different types of sex, quickies, solo pleasuring, power and dominance and making love. The one I love most to talk about, especially with couples in midlife - is slow sex.  Going slow means not just focusing on an end goal but on bringing greater consciousness, awareness...

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Understanding your libido: Learn about your 'brakes and accelerators' and shift your love life up a gear

desire intimacy libido Nov 03, 2021

Brakes and accelerators aren’t words that you’d typically hear in everyday conversations about arousal. But if you’re looking to figure out your libido, learning about what turns you on and off is crucial. How you respond to sex isn’t just down to your hormones or mood -...

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Intimacy - what is it? Exploring 4 types of intimacy and how to sustain them.

4 Types of Intimacy

I call myself an intimacy coach - so I thought it would be a good idea to elaborate on the topic of intimacy and talk what intimacy is and how to sustain it.

You might think I'm euphemistically referring to sex and intercourse. But it's much more than that.

If you want to...

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